Only two days after her arrival, little Miss Elle broke her leg badly going down the stairs of her foster home. Volunteers rushed her to the vet where we were told she would need surgery to attach a metal plate to the bone. The original estimate for the surgery was $6500--plus the $800 bill that night.
The bottom line--and the reason we could tell the vet yes at 1am that morning--was that those dogs were safe. They were with some of the wonderful groups we partner with in Spain: Podenco Friends, Perros sin Casa, Ibizan Hound Rescue. It would definitely not have gone over well, but we knew that the dogs we had committed to would be safe where they were until we could raise the money again to bring them over.
But the reality is that if we didn't take the dogs we had committed to from those groups, that meant they couldn't help more dogs. Dogs that they may have already committed to.
So we called.
We called on you, our supporters, to help us raise the money to cover Elle's surgery and after care.
And you answered. Oh, boy, did you answer!
Elle's auction had more than twice as many donations and raised more than twice as much money as any auction SHUG has ever held. The bid total at the end of the auction was $9,199. Add to that the direct donations toward Elle's care and the total was over $11,000.
Cherry is a senior Pod, very petite and very sweet.
Foxy Lady is a young adult Pod, ready to conquer the world.
Ducque (Duke) is a sweet galgo boy who gets along with everyone.
Palmer is a silly, young galgo boy with lots of energy to run and play.