Jojo – the little two-year-old saluki mix with one wonky leg -- was rescued from the streets of Kuwait and has settled down to a wonderful life with her foster family in North Carolina. She had a rough start, but she does not let it get her down.
This is what her foster dad has to say: This little girl wants to be loved so much but on her terms . . . with a little caution. She quickly settled into our home and has bonded with me and the other furry kids in the family. Her favorite places are sleeping on the couch, standing on the deck watching for squirrels and her crate. Yes, her crate is her safe place.
Jojo is so easy to have around. She enjoys short walks, is a quick learner, loves having her chest and ears rubbed and wags her fuzzy tail to say: Come pet me please.
She keeps her front leg tucked up and it’s not useable, but the vets say she’s just fine and that it’s an old injury that can be left as it is. She does quite fine on her three good legs!
Are you looking for that special easy to take care of girl? Jojo is that girl. Her adoption fee is $300 and she is available throughout the U.S. and Canada. To put in an application for her, go here.