Happy Mother’s Day to all the two-legged and four-legged Mom’s out there. We hope that every last one of Settie’s 31 pups – wherever they are – are having a great life and thinking of their sweet Mama on this special day. And . . . if you need another “mom” in your life, Settie is still looking for her forever home. You can put in an application here.
Happy Mother’s Day From Broodmama Settie

Zettie looks beautiful. You say she’s “medium”…please, what is her weight and height?
I’ve had 9 (nine) adult Whippets I’ve rescued over past 35+ years…they were, for the most part between 6 and 8 yrs old; each lived to be between 14-16+ yrs.(my last one was 16yrs.7months; he had so-o-o many “known already problems” when I adopted him at age 7); it took a full 22months to (re-train him almost completely); thus perhaps his passing was harder on me than the usual …usually I’d get another within a few weeks to 9months; with ‘Shadow’ it’s now been one year,nine months without any and it still hurts. I do want another …I need to keep within size/wt limitations this time due to rental restrictions; that’s why I’m asking you about Zettie…she’s probably larger than than I can have but she’s so lovely I’m asking anyway
Do you know of any people who have whippets? There aren’t many available each year, nationwide. Look forward to your reply; thanks.
Settie is a typical female greyhound size — around 55 pounds. We do get whippets on occasion, but we do not have any now.