Thank you to our supporters who buy our T-shirts and calendars and dolls, follow us on Facebook, help us spread the word, make donations, and who mailed in a truly awesome number of collars, leashes, snoods, coats and blankets for our Madrid Airlift.
Thank you to the drivers and cleaners and sew-ers and volunteers who step forward for all kinds of tasks large and small, fun and not-so-fun. You process applications, update our pages, coordinate transports, drive in all directions, take off work to transport dogs, staff events, write blog posts, hang fliers, and search for lost dogs. We literally couldn't do this without you.
Thank you to the foster moms and dads here and abroad who open their homes to Sighthounds in need. Thank you for helping them become real dogs who eat and do stairs and sleep on couches. And thank you for giving them up to their forever homes when the time comes. And thank you especially when you find that you just can't do that and you turn into their forever homes. Thank you for caring so much that you "fail." And a special thank you to those foster dads who are sometimes treated like lepers in their own homes. We love you.